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Gardening in February
The January slump is over, and we now have a few more sunny days to enjoy in the garden. Hopefully you are starting to see the shoots come up from those bulbs you lovingly planted last year, so if you’re stuck on what to do this month, we have brought together our top jobs as well as our top products for February too!

Spring is on the horizon which means bedding plants and Summer flowering bulbs:
- You can now start to plant hardy spring bedding in containers with flowers such as, primroses and wallflowers.
- Prune back late-summer flowering clematis to a healthy bud.
- Trim wisteria side shoots to allow abundant flowers in spring.
- Purchase your summer-flowering bulbs ready for planting in spring, we have loads to choose from! Whether you want agapanthus or dahlias, begonias or gladiolus we’ve got it!
For those of you who grow your own fruit and veg it won’t be long before you can start sowing seeds indoors and now is a great time to get your beds ready – if it’s not too wet of course!
- If you have any fruit trees and soft fruits like apples, autumn raspberries, and blackcurrants, finish winter pruning them.
- Start preparing veg beds, sow by weeding carefully, layer on top a thick amount of garden compost.
- Encourage fruiting by placing some sulphate of potash fertiliser around the bottom of fruit trees and bushes.
- Place fleece over strawberry plants to begin growth and promote an early crop.
- If you are wanting to grow greenhouse tomatoes and peppers, plant them in seed trays indoors.
If you have a greenhouse or sunny windowsill, you can:
- Sow your summer bedding like cosmos, lobelia, snapdragons, and dahlias as well as your tender crops like tomatoes and chillies, these tender crops need to be in a heated propagator or on a windowsill that gets lots of sun.
- Your summer bulbs including begonias, lilies, liatris, gloxinias, eucomis and agapanthus can be planted into pots indoors.
- Discard of any faded or yellowing leaves on plants that have been overwintered to stop fungal diseases.
- Make sure to clear snow off your shrubs to avoid branches being snapped off, (if it snows that is).
- Feed the birds! Create a fat ball feeder which is light enough to hang on roses, this will attract bluetits which will also search for overwintering pests.
- It’s also nestbox week, starting from the 14th February so if you do have an ideal spot for a birdbox, this is the time birds are busy finding their nest for the Spring.
- Distribute proper smelly manure over beds, roses and shrubs, fork it in to improve the spoil, this can also be done with normal garden compost.
- Make sure all your gardening power tools and lawn mowers are clean and serviced ready for use in the spring!
- Consider purchasing water butts now ready for the summer.
- Clear leaves and twigs from guttering on greenhouses and sheds.
- Wash empty pots by scrubbing them with hot water and a mild detergent. Rinse them well afterwards.
- Dispose of overwintering snails and slugs that might be lurking in your garden.
- Basically, just make sure all of your fleece, plant supports, and plants are still intact and well rooted in the soil, as well as making sure your plant supports that you are using in spring are ready. If you need new ones, we have a wide range of plant supports available online and in store!

- Hardy Spring Bedding / Containers
- Summer Flowering Bulbs
- Bird Boxes
- Patio Black Spot / HG algae and mould remover
- Summer Flower seeds
We hope you all enjoy time out in your garden this month, soaking up the winter sun and fresh air. Happy February all!
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